Thank you for all your hard work done for our bebefit.
Its not really clear to me what the link you posted is all about. Was there a trap?
no more boes or kingdom ministries will be posted by us on this board.
there is a very important reason why!
beware of anyone encouraging you to post any boes on this board.
Thank you for all your hard work done for our bebefit.
Its not really clear to me what the link you posted is all about. Was there a trap?
it is painful to read.
check out the 1/15/14 wt.
i am going to throw an invisible party to celebrate.
Seriously the message is we can tell that Jesus is ruling because everything went to hell the last 100 years.
So I guess Obama >>IS<< Jesus afterall. I'll be damned!
a quote from the latest jw video pimping the warwick project.
link below, quote @7:30 mark..
i call bullshit!.
It is not without good reason that it is said that BOEING is abundantly supplied with Jehovah's Magic Spirit:
the pioneer service school will now be only one week, monday thru saturday.. it will consist of 40 hours of instruction and illustrations/presentations.. the reasong given is that this will make it more accessible to the pioneers for due to work schedules and for congregations having to sponsor and support the school.. it will make it easier on everyone and those who haven't attended in the last five years may be able to attend this school with the new curriculum.. .
what do you feel would be included in the new curriculum.
probably more worship of the governing body and they don't need two whole weeks to get this across.. .
It will still be a complete waste of time.
--not a big screaming deal, but the heading at the top right of the page is wrong here:.
IGNORE the "Kid's t-shirt" heading... this is in men's sizes
go to
80+ branch davidian cult members died in waco, texas.
250,000+ #jehovahswitnesses have died refusing blood.
stop this #cult!
I'm convinced that threads like this are a major cause of global warming.
if the "faithful & discreet slave" are no longer the 144,000 but only 8 men... isn't this a huge stepback for jw women's rights?.
It DOES kind of fly in the face of Paul's words at
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Probably if you call the Bethel Service Desk they can further "clarify" this for you.
dear friends,.
it has been a long time since i have posted.
time heals much pain, and finally, my family and i have been able to move on with our life outside of jw land.. many of you became our friends, our support system, and you know very well our exit story...we were labeled, slandered and disfellowshipped for having questions regarding the date 607. we sent out letters exposing the elders and circuit overseer to over 200 families.
I remember the "Frosty Sanction"!
I am VERY pleased for you and your family. Looks like Pops-In-Law has been proven to be a false prophet! It must burn his ass that you are NOT divorced, his grand-daughter is NOT knocked up and strung out on drugs!
What kind of twisted, demented religion takes such joy at the prospect of their own flesh-and-blood being down-and-out? ONLY Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientologists!
so tonight my wife looked iver the wt for tomorrow.
she said what she got out of it was that apostates are negative murmurers who can cause you to question jehovah and his earthly org and that it reminded her of the negativity caused when i told her i read ray franz's book.
she said it caused me to question service, family worship night, and praying together.
...the last refuge of an indefensible mind -control cult is to scream "Don't listen to THEM!"
REAL truth can stand up to examination.